奖学金 & 援助

Prospective students are strongly encouraged to complete an application for Federal Student 援助. Detailed instructions for this process for students choosing the BAS GAI degree program are included in the drop down areas below.

Students may also be eligible for a number of state-sponsored aid programs which waive or reduce tuition. 这些课程的资格将在入学时确定(你必须先申请DSU). 有关这些计划的更多信息可在 密西西比崛起计划.

有关奖学金的信息,请访问 大学奖学金 页面.


强烈建议所有学生申请联邦财政援助. This is accomplished by completing the Financial Assistance for Federal Student 援助 process (FAFSA). 这是通过FAFSA的电子门户网站完成的 http://fafsa.ed.gov/ 学生应注意以下事项:

  • Make sure all personal information is entered as it appears on official 政府ernment documentation.
  • 三角洲州的联邦学校代码是002403和MDCC的是002416. Students must update their FAFSA each year with the Federal School Code of the institution upon which the majority of classes will be taken. 的 Program Manager will provide the students with guidance on the correct submission each year.
  • FAFSA将需要财务信息, including current balances on checking and savings accounts and information from prior year tax forms. Students are strongly advised to compile this information before beginning a FAFSA application.
  • 如果学生在开始FAFSA之前已经完成了他们的税收, 他们应该使用IRS提供的数据检索工具(IRS DRT). 的 IRS DRT will allow students to electronically pull completed tax information into the FAFSA.
  • If a student has not completed their taxes prior to beginning the FAFSA, amounts may be estimated. 然而, 如果数量是估计的, MDCC和DSU财政援助办公室可能需要证明或验证.
  • PIN码作为FAFSA的电子签名. 学生可以在PIN创建或申请PIN.ed.政府. 如果学生在完成FAFSA之前缺少PIN, 当到达“签名和提交”页面时,他们将被提示申请一个.
    美国海军陆战队M2D GEOINT v20150421B手册
  • Federal regulations require that a student complete the requirements for one undergraduate degree within a 150% time frame. 为了在这150%的时间内监测令人满意的学业进展, we have assumed that 130 hours are required for an undergraduate degree; therefore, 195 hours attempted would constitute the maximum allowable hours in pursuit of an undergraduate degree. 援助 may be granted for up to 195 hours of course work provided those courses are required for completion of a degree and the student remains within 195 hours attempted.


1. 去 http://fafsa.ed.gov/ 然后点击“启动新的FAFSA”.”
2. 输入您的学生信息并单击Next.
3. 单击“启动新的FAFSA”.注意:如果你以前提交过FAFSA,你可以点击“FAFSA更新”.这将为你预先填好大部分问题.
4. 创建密码并单击Next.
5. 完成Student Demographic部分,然后单击Next.
6. Enter the Federal School Code (三角洲州的联邦学校代码是002403和MDCC的是002416) and press add. Click Next once you add the correct school (MDCC will be the code to add for your first year).
7. 填写Dependency Information部分并单击Next.
8. If you are determined to be an independent student, you will not need to enter parent information.
9. 填写学生财务信息,然后单击下一步.
10. 在填写FAFSA学生财务信息部分时, 你需要上一年的税务信息.
11. 的 FAFSA will allow you to skip the Asset Information section; however, 请不要跳过这一节.
12. 一旦所有的信息都输入了FAFSA, 您需要以电子方式签署FAFSA,然后点击“SUBMIT MY FAFSA NOW”.”
13. 一旦你的FAFSA完成, the Department of Education will send you a Student 援助 Report (SAR) either electronically or by mail. SAR是您在FAFSA上提供的信息的摘要.

美国海军陆战队M2D GEOINT v20150421B手册
Note: All students applying for financial aid should fill out the Supplemental Awarding Information Form prior to MDCC and DSU receiving the FAFSA. 所有学生都需要这张表格. 本表格及任何其他要求的表格,可按下列步骤找到:

1. 登陆member-mortgage.trailinghookjournal.com.
2. 点击页面顶部的快速链接.
3. 点击“就读DSU”下的“经济援助”.
4. 单击页面右侧的Forms按钮.
5. 单击所请求的表单
6. 打印出来
7. 请填写
8. 传真至662-846-4683或扫描后发邮件至 finaid@trailinghookjournal.com

一旦所有必需的文件已被财政援助办公室收到, DSU将审核助学金申请. 注意:如果需要额外的表格,学生将通过电子邮件发送.

我们会寄给学生一封奖励信,通知他们奖学金的数额, 贷款, 和/或他们有资格获得的工作学习.

如果学生想要拒绝他们的部分经济援助计划, 他或她需要通知项目经理(cdsmith@trailinghookjournal.com).

DSU努力为每个学生提供可用的经济援助资源. 联邦补助金可以通过FAFSA申请. 学生需要满足一定的要求才有资格获得助学金.

学生必须知道,MDCC不提供联邦学生贷款. Student 贷款s are available through local and national lenders to assist with costs during this phase of their education.

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载 and Mississippi Delta Community College will receive the processed FAFSA within two-weeks of submission. DSU and MDCC will review the information and determine if additional documentation is needed. 如果是这样的话, the Program Manager will make contact via e-mail to alert the student that a formal request is in the mail and must be responded to in a timely fashion.

就业 & 订婚


合作办学是中心的重要组成部分. Talented students are identified by faculty during either the Introduction to Geographic Information Systems and Science or Introduction to Remote Sensing courses. 然后将学生与中心正在进行的赞助项目相匹配. 在试用期,学生雇员一般每小时挣8 - 10美元, 但根据他们的能力,很快就会提高. Some students have earned as much as $17 an hour while working here and managed $500,000 budgets!

的 work environment provides many added bonuses as students are assigned a workstation in our production lab, 给了他们设施的钥匙, 并提供访问我们所有服务器的权限, 无人驾驶飞机, 相机系统, GPS设备, 和更多的. 的y are encouraged to explore the discipline and work on creative solutions for the projects to which they are assigned. 的y are also allowed to keep flexible schedules – work is goal-based and not merely about punching a clock.


学校还强烈鼓励学生与教师一起旅行, 参与合同/RFP流程, 并参与类似的地理空间业务活动. 我们将提供机会. It is up to our students to avail themselves of the incredible breadth of opportunities available.


的 Center is active on an international stage and our students are an integral part of what we do in this regard. 目前的机会包括:


的 Center was invited to meet with representatives of the Georgian 政府ernment and state university system after devastating landslides struck Tbilisi, 2015年的格鲁吉亚. 杜克州立大学和 Akaki Tsereteli州立大学 (ATSU) was drawn up to promote an international cultural and student exchange program and collaborative reSearch and development. Several new projects are under development as part of this new and exciting opportunity.


United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response 是中心的积极合作伙伴. Our faculty serves as experts on technical advisory missions to Laos and Vietnam in an effort to help those countries develop their capacity for using spatial technologies during times of crisis. 此外, representatives from both countries visit the Center and participate in our training and workshop activities each year.


的 center’s faculty are regularly contracted to provide training courses and workshops in the UAE. Advanced students are able to travel and help facilitate courses by acting as teaching assistants.


该中心是一个活跃的教育附属机构 地理空间信息与技术协会 (吉塔). GITA有国际分会 日本, 澳大利亚, 新西兰 and students are actively encouraged to work with GITA and their international exchange and internship programs.





托尔伯特J. 布鲁克斯,导演





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